Heart Healthy
14 Ways to Keep Your Heart Healthy
Stressful routine, poor diet, and sedentary lifestyle are great motivators for the emergence of cardiovascular diseases. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), heart problems are among the leading causes of death in the world.
Being healthy is fashionable right? And what good fashion! Gradually, people seem to be becoming aware of the importance of taking care of health every day, but it is still not enough: day after day, the statistics of deaths caused by cardiovascular diseases are only increasing, so it is essential that More practices are adopted in favor of our bosom friend’s health.
Nowadays, with too much work and little rest, the daily habit tends to be as simple as possible: readily available food – so-called fast foods – and no physical activity. The cause for this routine is always the scarce time, which leads the individual to prefer fatty foods due to the long period without feeding, causing hunger to be greater.
According to experts, it is critical that people pay attention to daily attitudes because health problems can arise over the course of life. Everyone knows that health is a matter of extreme importance, but they continue to make the same mistakes almost unconsciously. Only a change in behavior and lifestyle can help lower cholesterol levels and help with health prevention.
Heart disease includes a different condition that can affect the heart like an irregular heart beat, cardiovascular disease, weak heart muscles, heart infections, heart valve problems, and congenital heart defects are becoming the most common anxiety of many people. A lot of people die of a heart attack every year. It may start early if you have no method to avoid. Or you can also have a healthy heart if you can maintain your healthy lifestyle to protect against it.
However, what should you do to maintain a healthy heart and prevent heart disease naturally? Is it hard to do?
The answer is that it is effortless as long as you are sick following these methods. How to maintain a healthy heart and prevent heart disease is mainly to maintain your healthy lifestyle. That means that you should give up all your bad habits that can affect your heart and cause severe heart disease. You should turn the following good deeds into your good daily habits to make your life better.
Some of the best techniques to keep your heart strong include quitting smoking, reducing stress, eating more fiber, exercising regularly, moderating your intake, adding fish to your diet, eliminating cholesterol, increasing your antioxidant intake, and much more.
Cardiovascular health is one of the most discussed topics in medicine, nutrition and the lifestyle industries of today. Considering that cardiovascular diseases are the biggest cause of death in the world each year, it is a serious problem that thousands of experts around are trying to solve. However, as you can see, some of the best ways to keep your heart healthy and free of cardiovascular diseases such as heart attacks, strokes, coronary heart disease, stroke, and other severe health risks have nothing to do with running to a doctor’s appointment. You are in charge of your heart health since it is the most significant elements in maintaining a healthy heart are your choices every day.
Decreasing daily salt intake from 12 grams to 3 grams reduces stroke by 1/3 and coronary heart disease by 1/4
It is worth mentioning that, typically, high cholesterol does not cause symptoms that are easy to notice. Concentrations are only found in laboratory tests, such as blood tests. But cholesterol also has its good version: the so-called HDL, which removes cholesterol from the arteries, making a real scan, and even facilitate its elimination by the body. Therefore, the higher your level, the better it will perform its function.
The human heart can be related to the engine of a car: both are power supplies that keep our body moving. The heart acts as a pump that drives blood to the organs, tissues, and cells of the body. Blood pumped through the heart provides oxygen and nutrients to each cell and uses carbon dioxide and waste substances produced by these cells. But if the flow of blood to the heart reduces or stops; Or the rhythm of the beating changes, this can endanger our lives. As with a car engine, the way the heart is treated will determine how long it will work and how.
“Many people take better care of their car than their own body,” said Dr. Denton A. Cooley, founder of the Texas Heart Institute. “People are worried about changing the oil, making the periodic adjustment and using the appropriate fuel. But when it comes to your own body, you feed it with foods that contain lots of fats and salt, smoke and do not exercise regularly. Medical advances can not eliminate cardiovascular disease.
Unknown villain
Because of the health effects of food, some research seeks to reveal favorable functions of nutrients, in addition to those already known, with the objective of improving the quality of life. In this line, and within the characteristics mentioned by the national and international organizations of the health of the diseases of the heart, appears a little-known substance of the population: the Homocysteine, that in high levels in the blood can become harmful. For this, however, it needs to be related to other risk factors, such as hypertension, high cholesterol, obesity or smoking.
Are you the one who always postpones the health issue and thinks that caring for the heart, for example, is something for the elderly? A word to you, comrade: heart health has to be cared for today to go on like this for a lifetime. Today. Now. Begin by reading this text and then it is to go out fulfilling each item and keep the commitment to a heart full of vitality.
Attitudes to Keep the Heart Healthy are some tips that help reduce the risks of cardiovascular disease like high blood pressure, stroke or heart attack. Also, heart disease is the leading cause of death in the world. However, most of the population is unaware that many of these ills can be prevented with minor changes in habits.
Know your numbers
Taking regular exams helps you know how your heart works in particular. So you can understand how your blood pressure, triglycerides and other numbers are important for knowing your heart and, from there, establishing a base. Better yet if it’s done there for 30 years.
Add some heroes to your diet
When making a snack on TV or if you want to take a nipple, opt for nuts, for example, they help to put Omega-3 in your life, support to prevent clogging of the arteries. Avocado, salmon, and broccoli are other good allied foods to adopt.
Go fishing!
Ok, maybe fishing would not be your activity for relaxation. Think again then – the important thing is to disconnect from the news, your work emails, the situations that most accelerate your life.
Start by cutting off a 15-minute connection to your phone, tablet, and TV and increasing until you have an hour or two of disconnection per day. Stress increases blood pressure, heart rate and levels of hormones that can harm the body. But it can be restrained with a two-hour comedy or by finding a friend for a coffee.
Incidentally, find a friend of the heart
That is one of the main Attitudes to Keep the Heart Healthy. Well, exercising regularly – at least 150 minutes a week, in at least 30-minute sessions – decreases the risk of cardiovascular problems. The modalities that protect the heart are aerobic exercises (walking, running, swimming, etc.) that involve large muscle groups performed cyclically, light and moderate, with prolonged duration.
Health professionals always give the hint of walking for 30 minutes a day. But not all people get excited so quickly. What if you found a friend who also wants to take care of the heart? Exercising with a partner increases your chances of continuing to do so.
It is worth searching, even close. According to a recent US study, which evaluated about 15,000 men and women, just being married and having a good network of friends can protect people from heart disease. “People who are married or attend clubs or have lots of friends and relatives have significantly lower blood pressure and other risk factors,” the study says.
Stop smoking right now
Have you used the Heart & Life application that calculates how much you spend on being a smoker? Maybe there’s a good incentive to stop there. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), every year more than five million people die of cigarettes worldwide.
Smoking is linked to more than 50 diseases – accounting for 30% of lung cancer deaths, 90% of lung cancer deaths, and 25% of deaths from heart disease.
At least five million people die each year from smoking-related illnesses, according to the WHO. Swallowing the smoke, which is rich in carbon monoxide, can reduce the thickness of blood vessels, reduce blood oxygen levels, promote fatty plaques in the arteries, and promote abnormal heart rhythms. According to experts, some types of food can help in the fight against this lousy addiction.
Foods with calming properties may be the solution, such as lettuce, spinach, and passion fruit, which lessen anxiety. Rich in vitamin C, citrus fruits – orange, acerola, pineapple, among others – help reduce the release of cortisol, a hormone present in stressful situations and that fight the free radicals responsible for the aging of cells, something very present in smokers.
Stop and have a drink.
Another American study, this time from the Harvard School of Public Health: for women, up to one glass of alcohol a day, and for men, up to two glasses a day can help reduce the risk of heart disease.
Alcohol can help the heart by increasing HDL cholesterol levels. But remember: more is not better.
“Alcohol also has calories and, in excess, can cause high blood pressure, worsen heart failure and cause heart rhythm abnormalities,” the study notes. Then make that toast and stop at the recommended limit.
Go to sleep, pay the bills the next morning.
People who sleep less than seven hours a night have higher blood pressure and higher levels of cortisol, the stress hormone, making arteries more vulnerable to plaque buildup.
In fact, more recent research shows that people who do not get enough sleep are twice as likely to die of heart disease. Trying to avoid caffeine after noon and developing a deceleration ritual before bedtime is ways to help you fall asleep.
Tip? Also, take a warm bath and ignore bank statements until the next morning! Really. You will sleep less tense.
People who snore – Better be careful!
Sometimes snoring seems only a funny feature of the individual or that irritating grimace. But it can be more than that. Snoring may be a sign of something more serious: obstructive sleep apnea. This disorder, marked by breathing that is interrupted during sleep, can cause blood pressure to rise, which increases the risk of heart disease.
People who are overweight or obese have a higher risk of sleep apnea, but then people may have it too. If you snore and often wake up feeling tired, time to go to the doctor and evaluate the reason for this “symphony.”
Let’s stop being 8 or 80?
Do you know those 35- or 40-year-old people who feel their age coming in and dive in with good intentions in the exercises? And then some of them exaggerate, end up hurting and then stop practicing running, bodybuilding or the aerobic sport chosen as salvation.
With exercise, it is wise to follow the “slow and steady” wave. It is more important to commit to regular exercise in the long term than to force and stop for months.
Watch out your food
Becoming adult is also abandoning those silly eating habits – throwing empty calories everywhere (with foods loaded with sugar, fat, and almost no nutrients). Those who have this “child’s taste” refuse to follow the advice Granny gave about eating real food. Yes, but the time has come.
A poor diet greatly increases the risk of obesity and diabetes and, per table, heart problems. Look for foods that are good for you, be it vegetables, fruits, whole grains, seafood, lean meats, skim milk, eggs, and beans – and please stop putting salt in everything! You are no longer ten years old. And that’s good
The bad fat present in the bloodstream comes from the diet rich in foods with saturated fat and trans fat, such as sausages, fatty cuts of meat, margarine, stuffed biscuits, ice creams among others.
From evil: If on the one hand there are habits that must be cultivated, on the other, there are some that need to be excluded from the routine. The case of smoking and abuse of alcohol consumption. The various chemical substances present in the cigarette collaborate, among several factors, for poor blood circulation and fat accumulation in the arteries, which can culminate in the infarction.
Take care of oral hygiene
Different research shows the connection of poor oral hygiene with heart disease. Bacteria such as the periodontal pocket can enter the bloodstream and go up into the heart. There, they proliferate and can lead to various heart diseases, from arrhythmia to bacterial endocarditis. To maintain a healthy mouth, it is necessary to brush the teeth well at least three times a day, mainly after the main meals, to floss and when indicated, mouthwashes. It is also essential to go regularly to the dentist.
Avoid stress
Pressure, too much work and little time to rest are some of the biggest causes of chronic diseases. Stress can be extremely damaging to health and can alter blood pressure. That is due to the abundant release of the adrenaline hormone, which can increase respiration and heart rate – by altering blood pressure. It is essential to take the time to rest, to practice physical activities and always, on a regular basis, to have a healthy diet.