The Insider’s Guide to healthy lifestyle motivations
I understand that the most proper healthy lifestyle motivation to have healthy eating and healthy habits is to preserve one’s health. Nowadays the easiest thing to do is get intoxicated. But know that to intoxicate, just breathe. In the urban environment in which we live (at least a large part of the population) some pollutants present in the air is immense. It turns out that we are so accustomed to this, that we only notice from time to time when passing near a working vehicle.
Some citizens, as if pollution already exists in the air, make it a matter of putting within themselves some more than 4,700 toxic substances of toast, smoking. Plus an extra load of toxin (alcohol) by ingesting alcohol. Another extra load is ingesting all those delicious treats full of preservatives, salt, sugar and excess fat. All this contributes to the debilitation of the organism and increases the rates of obesity in the population.
I’m not here to touch terrorism saying the percentage of the population dies every day from cancer, stroke, stroke, obesity, and smoking and alcohol-related diseases. That is a notorious fact, and the data is nothing new to anyone.
But, of course… everything has a solution. You just do not have to wait until your doctor forces you to have a healthier life, nor does your nutritionist force you to eat only X and Y things, as a matter of urgency, to save your life. Nothing happens suddenly in our body. Everything is an accumulation of habits. Healthy habits reiterated for a long time reflect on an ideal weight and a healthy body as a whole. Nobody gets 15 kg overnight. And nobody slims 15kg from day to night.
Maintain a healthy lifestyle motivation
Exercise should not be practiced only when you want to lose 5 kg more or prepare for the 10 km charity race. Exercise should be a routine to Maintain a good lifestyle, such as eating, sleeping, and taking a shower in the morning. That can be difficult to achieve, as you probably already know.
When planning a physical exercise routine, prepare yourself for the challenges that await you, so you do not get out of the way. Here are suggestions and information to help you stay on track when motivation falters. Remember: Compensation for health benefits and general well-being justifies the effort.
Keep a customized program of physical exercise
Think about the kinds of activities that fit your lifestyle, time constraints, your budget, and your fitness. Consider what you like and dislike. Modify your exercise plan so that you do not become a slave to the routine. See: “Getting Started: Suggestions and Tools to Implement Your Exercise Program” for new ideas.
Adapt exercise to your daily life
Are time constraints a major problem? Plan the physical exercise sessions by preparing a detailed program of your week. Look for ways to conduct physical exercise sessions. Can you get up a half hour early every morning to walk? Does this mean going to bed early? Be realistic. Do not schedule after-dinner exercise if this is when your children need homework help unless you think the whole family can benefit from a break and a quick getaway. Look for ways to add recreational exercise to scheduled activity time – an extra trip to the mall when shopping, climbing stairs or a bike ride on Saturday morning. At the end of the first week, adjust the weaknesses of your scheme. What’s the good news? As you improve your fitness, you will be able to increase the intensity of your workout without trying harder. That means that he will be able to include more things in the appointed time; for example, walking 6 km in the time that used to spend to walk 4 km.
Set a goal
Changing from one day to another from a sedentary life to a sportsman’s life is not within reach of most people. Also, unrealistic expectations will drive you to frustration and failure. A more appropriate approach is to set a long-term goal, such as walking for 30 minutes five days a week. Then set monthly goals. During the first month, try walking three days a week for at least 10 minutes at a time. During the second month, walk one additional day per week (to walk four days a week). Add another day in the third month. Then, every two weeks, prolong each walking session in five minutes until you reach your goal.
Register your progress
Once you have set your goal, start measuring your performance. Record the minutes or steps given each day on a calendar or make a simple chart that you can place on the fridge door. Keep a written record of what you’ve accomplished, including strength training, stretching, balance training, and relaxation. Check your progress every 1-2 weeks. If you are regressing, focus on the problem and modify your strategy to solve it.
Reward your efforts
Find ways to congratulate yourself. Whether your reward is small or large, make sure it is something meaningful and gives you pleasure. Avoid rewards that you might regret shortly after, such as eating an ice cream if your ultimate goal is to lose weight. A better option might be a new CD to listen to while walking.
Commitment kept, persistent gains
The value of joining a physical exercise program became apparent years ago when The New England Journal of Medicine published the results of the Harvard Alumni Health Study. Men who had always been active showed a 29% decrease in risk of death during the study period. On the other hand, those who started and maintained an exercise program reduced the risk by 23%. However, men who had been moderately active but who later became sedentary had the same mortality rate as men who had been sedentary ever since. In this study, adherence to the exercise program made a lot of difference.
Unfortunately, all the wonderful adaptations of our body disappear shortly after the regular physical activity is stopped. A measurement called VO2 max, which represents the maximum amount of oxygen your body can use, is a mirror of your cardiovascular physical shape when it indicates your body’s ability to work. A study in highly trained athletes found that it took only two weeks of discontinuation of physical exercise for VO2max and plasma volume to start to decline. After two to eight months, all previous gains had disappeared. The muscle strength obtained with resistance exercise slows down more slowly, but even so, regular training is required to maintain strength. If you need to reduce your activity for a week, try to achieve your goals again the following week.
Back to good path
Even people who are more dedicated to physical exercise can sometimes deviate from the good path. Almost everything can take you away from your exercise program: strong constipation, a trip or a period of bad weather. So it is important to learn how to regain your routine. When you have missed some training sessions, assess your fitness level and set goals accordingly. If you have stayed away from your exercise routine for two weeks or more, do not expect to resume where you left off. Reduce your workout by half during the first few days to give your body time to readjust.
The biggest challenge may be to get yourself mentally rearranged for physical exercise. Instead of consuming energies to feel guilty and frustrated, focus your attention on what can lead you to start over. When you begin your program again, you will be amazed at how fast your exercise will return to being natural. Try the following tricks to boost your motivation:
• Imagine you are exercising. Remember the aspects of the exercise you like best: feel strong, feel healthy, or even have the pleasure of finishing!
• Give yourself an invigorating reward when you reach your first goal after restarting your program.
• Look for the company for your next hikes or races. If no one can accompany you, ask a friend to see if you can do physical exercise alone.
• If you recover your exercise routine altogether seem excessive, divide it into goals and give yourself the option to stop at the end of each of these goals. When you arrive at a checkpoint, encourage yourself to move on to the next goal instead of giving up.
• Instead of focusing on why you do not want to exercise, focus on the sense of well-being you have when you finish a workout.