Health and Fitness
The Importance of Nutrition and Exercise
One of the main desires of those who seek to improve body composition is to obtain a lean body, through diet and nutrition exercise
Men already desire a more shapely body full of muscles. However, aesthetically speaking most people of the male gender seek muscle too, i.e., for most men it is not enough to be “thin,” it is also necessary to have huge muscle mass.
However, being overweight is not no one’s wish. Whether due to an aesthetic component or because it is a risk factor for the development of cardiovascular diseases.
Not being on the merits of the aesthetic question, since beauty is something relatively abstract (and conditioned by patterns established by society throughout the generations), being overweight is considered inappropriate for those who long for health.
Faced with this is necessary that we condition our metabolism to work in a way that stimulates biological pathways of proper use of our energy reserve substrates. Thus, they can appropriately modulate their mobilization and use to provide energy for our biological functions.
It is only by improving the metabolism that we can lose weight and improve our body composition, whose interference is directly on the release and signaling of hormones and inflammatory markers responsible for the stimulation and coordination of metabolism as a whole.
Given this scenario, it is necessary that people interact with essential components capable of intervening positively on the metabolic pathways that stimulate fat burning, gain muscle mass and improve body composition as a whole. This process can also bring the desired benefits to the improvement of the body phenotype through weight loss.
Elements that influence metabolism and generate weight loss
There are interesting behavioral factors that stimulate weight loss. They can be essentially termed as metabolic triggers, by inducing stimuli that modulate the programmed behavior of metabolism, both positively and negatively.
The main metabolic triggers are diet, regular exercise, and psychological factors. And we already talked here in the Blog about the best physical activities for weight loss and the importance of joining the two areas to lose weight and achieve health.
Among the triggers that are related to the food stand out the healthy eating habits that can stimulate the energy systems to work better and, with that, to trigger the improvement of energy efficiency in the use of our reserves.
Therefore, developing correct eating habits is one of the metabolic stimulators that control the functioning of our body. Among some important habits that lead to weight loss, we can cite Firstly the adequate water supply.
Drinking water is capable of inducing thermogenic and integrative physiological nerve responses, which trigger the body beyond hydrating the tissues and expending energy through biochemical reactions of thermal control.
Another important aspect that is directly related to the degree of insulin release (the most important anabolic hormone that exists) is the redistribution of dietary carbohydrate intake. Although the guidelines report that the daily energy value of a diet is in the range of 50-60% in the form of carbohydrates, 20-30% fat and 10-15% protein, transposition of carbohydrate energy predominance by healthy fats Present in natural foods is an important dietary tool for the therapy of reducing the concentration of serum insulin levels. That allows a greater sensitization of this hormonal activity, less stimulation for its release by the pancreatic beta cells and, consequently, a longer time of action of the catabolic counterregulatory hormones mainly acting on the mobilization, transport, and metabolization of fats present in the adipocytes that make up our tissue reserves of fat.
That is, the manipulation of the macro nutrients leads to a hormonal gradient restoration whose outcome is positively about fat burning and consequently leads to greater weight loss.
Does diet generate weight loss?
It is important to point out that body weight, paradoxically, is not the main variable that causes weight loss, since the loss of tissue water due to the reduction of carbohydrate consumption leads to a considerable decrease in body water retention and this is reflected in the balance. That is why this type of strategy known as “low carb high-fat” or even more restrictive, “ketogenic” diet can lead to considerable weight loss in a few days, mainly due to the decrease in water retention. However, when prolonged, it leads to a transition of hormonal behavior and optimization of the lipolytic activity of metabolic fat burning pathways.
In parallel, the number of meals can be fractional in a smaller number, to allow a longer time for action of the lipo catabolic hormones. That is, consuming the daily nutrients recommended by the nutritionist according to their biological individuality, in a few meals during the day, can increase the fasting time between meals. That leads to an improvement in the signaling of hormonal pathways that control the behavior of food through the impulses of hunger, satiety, and appetite, integrated by the signs of the periphery and the central nervous system, in addition to the previously mentioned counter-regulatory hormones.
Therefore, although eating every 3 hours can be a habit conditioned by culture or daily dietary routine, adopting a food strategy that is based only on the consumption of 3-4 meals per day can be an important stimulator of food control and Hormonal sensitization. And, consequently, a good metabolic programmer triggered by the reorganization of the alimentary habit in front of the number of meals daily.
From these conditions, we can say that diet does not lose weight. What slims is a balance of the metabolic pathways that coordinate the use of the active substrates of our body? That leads us to believe that it is necessary to adjust the physiological functioning of our systems that mainly balance the hormonal and inflammatory activity and consequently orchestrate the functioning of our metabolism.
Although the food metabolic trigger has a direct influence on the prescription of physical exercise and structuring of the variables of long-term training, it is important that the physical education teacher knows how the nutrition strategies prescribed by the nutritionist should be taken into account when prescribing the training. The opposite is also true.
Therefore, it is not possible to dissociate nutrition from physical exercise today, and vice versa, since both act directly as metabolic triggers in the management of fat burning and muscle mass gain and, obviously, in the modulation of weight loss.