Fitness Myths
Fitness facts that in reality are fitness myths
Potential maroons surrender to a variety of tricks to reach goals in the shortest possible time, such as sweat-training in the heat to burn more calories or drink water to lose weight. The problem is that many of these “fitness facts” just do not work or are harmful.
The best time to work out is during the morning
Myth. In reality, the idea is to work out when you feel better. If the athlete prefers to exercise in the middle of the afternoon or at night, this does not matter, what makes a difference is being willing to do the exercises consistently.
Weight lifting turns fat into muscle
Myth. The cells that store fat (adipose) and muscle are different, so what happens is that weight lifting generates the growth of muscles around the fat. To decrease the amount of fat the output is a healthy diet with vegetables, whole grains, proteins and good fats.
Puzzles and games are the best alternatives to “work out” the brain
Myth. According to recent studies, practicing physical activity is the best way to leave the system of sharp thinking. “Aerobic exercise is the key to the brain as well as to the heart,” wrote researchers at Harvard University.
Eating Few Times Helps Lose Weight
Myth: the opposite is true. Research has already shown that eating smaller meals more often, for example, every 3 hours, helps more in weight control.
Abdominal are the best way to get a six pack
Myth. According to researchers at Harvard, the goal is to do the exercise called “surfboard” because it stimulates more muscles, strengthening the whole body. “A good workout base helps to increase the entire set of muscles you use every day,” say experts.
Weight Training is for Men
Myth. This type of workout can be done to strengthen any person’s muscles, regardless. What studies say is that women produce less testosterone than men, resulting in different results.
It takes at least two weeks to get “out of shape.”
Myth. In most people, just a week is enough for the muscle cells to begin to be affected: “If you stop training your physical condition worsens noticeably, or begins to get worse with less than seven days of rest,” says Shawn Arent.
Drinking water during class or training prevents weight loss
Myth: water loss is not fat loss. It is as essential (or more) than other foods. An average person needs 3 to 4 liters of water per day. A percentage comes from solid foods and the rest of fluids. You should drink water whenever you feel thirsty, and no one should be prevented from drinking it during class.
Fasting to train weightless: Fact or myth?
Truth: during fasting, fat is made available for burning and energy supply. However, this process is limited. Thus, from a certain moment (which depends on the modality, intensity and time of the activity), the body begins to use muscle mass to provide energy for the activity.
Segmented gymnastics reduces localized fat in a particular area
Myth: While the muscles in the exercising area (such as in the abdomen or the hip) can tone or even grow (hypertrophy), the fats will not be preferentially burned in this area. The body, when using fat, removes it from all regions of the body, particularly when you exercise. The localized reductive gym promises but does not comply.
Exercising does not burn many calories, so do not lose weight
Truth: To burn 1 pound of fat you would have to walk 24 hours without stopping and without eating. However, exercising regularly raises your metabolism in the short and long term. The result is that more calories are being burned continuously, even when you are resting.
To lose weight one must control the calories
Truth: The caloric value of the food we eat and the activities we do vary significantly for the calorie count to be useful. The balanced variety in food selection and exercise are the key to weight control.
Running with a coat helps you lose weight
Myth: Never over-wrap or wrap plastics in the body to exercise. Weight loss will occur due to dehydration. The volume is reset immediately after exercise. Ideal clothing allows the regulation of body temperature necessary for a proper functioning of the physiological reactions that occur during training. In winter, one must conserve body heat and avoid losing it to the colder environment. In summer, it is necessary to wear clothes that allow the loss of heat, keeping the body temperature comfortable.
Women who do bodybuilding get masculine
Myth: no woman should worry about that. Having a robust and healthy body does not make any woman more masculine, on the contrary, it makes her more attractive. No activity can change one’s femininity.
After physical activity, you should feel pain for the exercise to take effect.
Myth: You do not need to feel muscle pain to have good results. However, if you have been inactive for a long time when starting an exercise program, you will probably feel muscle pain due to the stimulation is given to the muscle that is not accustomed to an individual exercise. Thus, the training should be progressive, starting according to your conditioning, not to cause injuries. Athletes who work at the limit of conditioning are also subject to pain and injury, so they should do a job with accompaniment and guidance of a competent professional.
Low-carbohydrate diets are most effective because they force the body to burn fat
Truth: The body leaves its state of balance when it is devoid of carbohydrate. As the use of fat can only occur if the carbs is present, the incomplete breaking of fats causes debris called ketone bodies, which produce harmful results, including nausea, fatigue, and apathy. Worst of all, with the lack of carbohydrate, the body quickly uses the third source of energy: proteins. Proteins used for energy can not be used for growth and maintenance of body tissues. About 50% of the loss on a low carbohydrate diet comes from muscles and water. The goal of the diet is to lose fat, not muscles.
Eating banana reduces cramps
Myth: Potassium deficiency may be too early a diagnosis because contractions are more linked to low levels of magnesium and sodium. In addition to insufficient hydration, lack of stretching and over-exertion are also possible causes. If filling with banana is not the solution to never have cramp again. When feeling the pain, it is better to stop, drink water or isotonic, lengthen the affected region and wait for the pain to pass.
To increase muscle mass, you need to train hard every day
Myth: Increased muscle mass does not occur during exercise but in the resting period. It takes at least twelve hours of rest for the muscle to regain the stock of energy expended during exercise and to recover from the traumas or injuries caused by the exertion. It is this process that creates muscle volume and definition.
Fat turns to muscle with physical training
Myth: Exercise does not destroy fat deposits. In fact, it helps burn calories from fat. When you lose weight through diet and exercise, the volume of fat cells is reduced, that is, they remain there, even after you have lost weight. The decrease of fat cells is only made by surgical procedure, such as liposuction or other methods.